The one full of truth
What makes something true? Is it facts or statistics that make things truth? More often than not, I have found that simply whatever we perceive to be true, is the truth. It's a large responsibility, when you think about it. How you choose to perceive a situation creates your truth. Say that again and really understand what I'm trying to express to you. How you choose to perceive a situation creates your truth. Let's dissect this a little. I said choose, and I mean it. It is a choice to change your perception of any given situation. More often than not your knee jerk reaction to a challenging moment will be crap. You may feel disappointed, discouraged, angry, or hurt. Dig deeper, that knee jerk reaction is not the perspective you want to live your life in. Dig much deeper. Ask yourself, what is the lesson here? Where is the silver lining? Don't you dare be a pessimistic asshat and tell me there isn't one because I assure you, no matter what the situation is, there is a silver lining. Simple minded fools can live in the knee jerk reaction and let it fester, like an infection. They feel that emotion and focus all of their attention there. Do you know what happens to an emotion when you feed it attention? It grows. Jealousy breeds jealousy. Hate breeds hate. I feel these emotions just like everyone else.. the difference is, I do not give them my attention. I make the choice to feel them, honor them, and let them go. These knee jerk reactions are made to protect us. We use them as a self defense mechanism. But being defensive and feeding these emotions does not cultivate the bountiful life you deserve. So switch that perspective. Live a different truth, a truth you have chosen. I am not angry about the things that have happened to me. I chose to be grateful, creative, and inspiring. When my husband died do you think this was my initial reaction? Hell no, I was pissed. My life had just royally gone to shit. I had to work every damn day to switch my personal truth from a sad broken story, to a fulfilling narrative that I write myself. True peace comes from understanding you do not have any control over what happens to you, but you have every ounce of control over how you handle it. Life is going to throw some devastating blows. You're going to lose people, your going to get your heart broken, people are going to hurt you. These things will happen. But these moments can be so much easier when you realize the power you have to switch your truth to a more positive direction. Do you understand the impact of a simple paradigm shift? The phrase, I have to go to work today can be your truth, if thats how you wish to perceive it. But just a small mental shift can create a new truth, I get to go to work today. I have a capable mind and body, I have the ability to generate income, I am fortunate. Most walk around like this world has slighted them in some way, like they obviously drew the short end of the stick. But honestly, we slighted ourselves. This universe has given us all the tools we need to cultivate an amazing life and most just walk around angry and aren't even sure exactly why. It's a personal pet peeve of mine that when you ask someone how they are most will say something to the effect of "I'm ok, just tired and stressed.", "Good, just hate all the rain", or "Fine, my kids are just driving me nuts". Why on earth do we feel the need to point out and give attention to THE ONE THING that is aggravating us?! I'm so sorry this universe literally rains down from the heavens our most valuable resource. I'm so sorry you have beautiful children. Yes, some days are less than the ideal fairy tale we have in our heads. Somedays we are late, frustrated, and there is gum stuck in your kids hair when you are 99% sure you didnt even give them gum.. Stop, breathe, and watch the words that you use to speak about your life because where we focus our attention is where things will grow. Grow peace, grow love, and grow happiness. Don't take me wrong, I am painfully aware of the injustices in the world. I am not nieve. I have very literally stared death in the face so believe me when I say I am aware of pain, suffering, and grief. But I will not be some martyr of my grievances with the world. No, I will be a beckon of hope to others. I can not control the situations around me but I do control how I choose to perceive them, you can also. So I challenge you to rewrite your truth. Your mind is your most powerful tool, challenge it, train it, and use it to your advantage.