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Adding Narrative to Life
The one with the train
October 29th all the way until New Years is an absolute shit show for me. I don't mean the normal shit show that the holidays naturally...
The one where I tell you how
One of the most common things I hear people say is, "I dont know how to lose weight." I won't sugar coat it like those donuts, you're...
The one full of truth
What makes something true? Is it facts or statistics that make things truth? More often than not, I have found that simply whatever we...
The one where I open my heart
Isn't it strange that when tragedy hits we suddenly become very interested in that person's life. I do it too. We all turn and look at...
The one where I move on
If you've ever read or watched Eat, Pray, Love then you know David. David is the love interest after Liz's divorce, David is the guy who...
The one where I tell you why
I put real thought, heart, time, and tears into each blog post. I very openly and honestly put my life out there for people to read and...
The one with a purpose
I was not raised by yoga loving hippies. I never kept a journal in my life. (Actually, I was a fairly mediocre English student.) And 3...
The first one
No one is coming to save you. Sorry to start this off by droppin that bomb on ya, but we need to get that established. Throwing yourself...
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