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The one where I tell you how

One of the most common things I hear people say is, "I dont know how to lose weight." I won't sugar coat it like those donuts, you're lying. You know how to lose weight. All those great ideas you have in bed at night, (where it's safe to have such ideas because there is no obligation to actually do them) are great ideas! Cutting out soda, walking a mile everyday, eating more greens! These are wonderful ideas that you came up with because you're smart, and guess what? They'll work. Do you know how to make them work? Actually doing what you said you'd do, even after you've left the safety of your bed. Doing it every day, not just when it is convenient. Will some ideas work better than others? Yes. But to figure out what works, YOU NEED TO TRY. I know the person I was 2 years ago, all the stars had to align perfectly for me to eat right and get a workout in. The slightest inconvenience in my day and it went to "Screw it! I'm eating a whole cake for dinner!" Did it make me feel better? Yes, actually, at the moment the rush of sugar to my head would make me happier. But then every night I'd find myself in bed coming up with the same ideas about how I was going to do better next time and the vicious cycle continued. Does this sound at all familiar? If so, I have good news for you! I broke the cycle, my day now feels incomplete if I miss a workout, or I feel off if I eat crappy food. I'm going to share my secret with you. The secret to losing weight and keeping your results isn't a fancy complicated diet, it's not spending 5 hours in the gym, and it's definitely not a magic pill. The secret to losing a lot of weight and keeping it off is changing your lifestyle. Changing the way you do things every single day, not just a 30 day shred or whatever gimmick they are selling you. What happens after 30 days? You revert back to your old lifestyle and all the weight comes back. Your health and wellness isn't a quick fix. It's your entire life. What you allow yourself to do everyday becomes habit. Your habits become your lifestyle. If you allow yourself to hit snooze 6 times and miss your workout, guess what you're probably going to continue to do? What you allow is what will continue. Do I always want to get up in the morning and run? Hell no, I want to pull those covers over my head and roll back over. But I do it everyday because I do not allow my lazy excuses to dictate my lifestyle. Do you want to be 75 years old and be able to walk? Do you want to live long enough to see your grandkids? Pay attention to what you're doing to your body everyday. I'm going to be the first to tell you, you can have a heart attack at 26. You can die at 26, if you don't take care of yourself. It's harsh and unfair, but it's true. I am not telling you that you won't eat pizza, or cake. I hope you do, that stuff is delicious. I assure you, you don't become 60lbs over weight by living a healthy lifestyle and sometimes indulging in cake. It's what you do consistently that matters. Just like you can't sometimes eat a salad and expect to be healthy. You can give me every excuse in the world about why you can't diet, but that's exactly what they are, excuses. I know you are a strong minded, capable, and intelligent person. So if you want something, I expect you to go after it and get it. If you won't do the work, that's one thing. But don't you dare tell me that you CAN'T do the work. In your mind change every "I can't" to "I choose not to" and see how that makes you feel. Because honestly, "I choose not to" is much closer to the truth. I choose not to work out. I choose not to eat better. Do you like the way that sounds in your head? I definitely do not. It was easier when I gave the reasons why I can't do something. "I can't eat healthy because I'm married and my husband isn't on a diet so we have to eat pizza together for dinner." Yes, because the astounding rate of men who divorce their wives for having a salad for dinner has skyrocketed in the last 5 years. Stop with the bullshit. I know my opinion is highly unpopular and a little harsh, because no one likes to be thought of as a quitter or lazy. But it's my opinion that none of your past efforts have worked because you allowed yourself to quit so many times with no consequence. 

Also I hate the word diet, it implies that it's temporary. No one is on a diet for 40 years, at that point it's a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle is the ultimate goal. I haven't had a soda in over a year. That's not because I'm on a diet, but because myself, as a person, doesn't drink soda. I do not eat meat, it is not a diet plan I'm on, it's who I am. I had to untrain my brain from so many unhealthy eating habits. Everything from over eating, to under eating, to calorie counting, and all the shit in between. It is way more simple than we make it. You know what foods are good for you, eat them. You know what foods are bad for you, don't eat them. Learn how to read a nutrition label! Do not be fooled into eating unhealthy processed crap because they put it in a fancy box and throw the word natural on the front of it. Natural, organic, or low fat does not mean healthy. The food companies are smart and know that if they throw a green leaf on a label you'll buy it. I am willing to bet any granola bar you have is packed with sugar. Do you even know how much sugar is healthy in a day? Why not? What in this world is more important than yours and your family's health? Don't tell me you don't spend hours a week on your phone or Netflix. Use that time to watch a documentary, or read an article. Educate yourself on the foods you are putting into your body. I am constantly studying different ways of nourishing my body to take care of it in the best way possible. That's why I lost 60pounds and that's why I've kept it off. I actually put effort into it. I care about my body and I want to be fit. I want to feel good about myself. I don't want to be embarrassed to wear a bathing suit. I want to see exactly what sexy ass woman is hiding underneath all of my excuses and Little Debbie cakes. No one is going to hold a gun to your head and make you eat a salad. But you are practically holding the gun to your own head when you constantly inhale double cheese burgers. You are better than what you've been doing. You know better, you can do better. Drop your excuses, pick up your will power, and actually make the change you've been wanting to make. I believe you can. ♡ 

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